Thermal Cycling

Thermal Cycling – Stress Testing for Material Durability

Thermal cycling tests are used to obtain a time lapse of processes that can lead to material fatigue or reduced durabilty due to the different coefficients of expansion.

Thermal stress testing on e.g. assemblies with electronic components are caused by inhomogeneous temperature distribution in the materials. Changes up to the breakage of solders or components and/or inner layer cracks of copper connections occur. Materials are therefore characterized by their thermal shock or thermal shock resistance. Compressive, tensile and shear stresses are generated. A distinction is made between slow and fast temperature change. While the slow temperature change rather simulates the reality, the fast temperature change (temperature shock) is to be preferred for very strongly time-graduated investigations.

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Prüfling in warmem Klimaschrank
Prüfling in kaltem Klimaschrank
Thermal Cycling Test  Standards

  • DIN EN 60068-2-33 Part 2 test N
  • DIN IEC 60068 Part 2-30 alternating climate
  • DIN IEC 60068 Part 2-38
  • DIN EN 60068-3-1
  • DIN SPEC 79009
  • MIL STD 202 Meth. 107 G
  • MIL STD 883 Meth. 1010
  • MIL STD 750 Meth. 1021
  • MIL STD 331 Meth. 105
  • MIL STD 810 Meth. 503
  • MIL E 5272 Test 4.4
  • MIL-T 5422 E Part 4.4
  • automotive standards (BMW, VW, etc.)
We also offer the following tests, among others:
according to the following standards, among others:

  • DIN EN 2591-403
  • DIN EN 60068-2-6
  • 61373
  • DIN SPEC 79009
  • MIL-STD-810H
  • RTCA DO-160

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Vibration Tests
frost, cold weather
according to the following standards, among others:

  • DIN EN 60060-2-1
  • MIL-STD 810
  • MIL-E-5272
  • MIL-STD 883
  • MIL-E-5272
  • MIL-STD 202

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Climatic Tests
artificial sunlight
according to the following standards, among others:

  • ASTM
  • DIN EN 60068-2-2
  • DIN ISO 9022-9
  • JDQ 53.3
  • MIL-STD-810H
  • TSM0502G

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Sun Simulation